Life Members of the

Southampton Universities Guild of Change Ringers


1) Nicholas I Kimber  

2) Andrew Morley

3) Debbie Morley (née Simister) 

4) Lucy Bricheno 

5) Colin Parker

6) Roy Mould

7) Ian Woodward

8) Heather Kippin

9) Brenda Parr

10) Nicholas Parr

11) Adam Thorp

12) Charlie Martin

13) Alan Bentley

14) Kathy Bentley

15) Tricia Spink

16) Daniel Graham

17) Richard Weeks

18) Philip Moyse

How do I become a life member?


If you were once a member of SUGCR, and have since graduated or left the University, you can apply for life membership by following these easy steps...

1) Download the following form - SUSU Life Membership Form

2) Complete the form to become a life member of the Southampton University Student Union, and send the completed form along with the £15 payment back to the SUSU

3) Once you have recieved your membership send a scan/picture of this to any of the current committee and they'll add you to the list

Any questions, please email the secretary.