President - Caroline Daniels
SUGCR Master 1977 / 78
I live on the edge of the New Forest in Hampshire with my husband Martin, also an ex SUGCR master, close to my home towers of Romsey Abbey and Sherfield English.
I was taught to ring as a teenager in Ruthin, North Wales and arrived at Southampton able to ring a plain course of Grandsire Doubles (although I soon discovered my system for ringing doubles didn't work for triples or above). I was warmly welcomed into the Guild family and all thoughts I had of joining other societies disappeared. My first peal was rung for the guild in 1977 (Cambridge Minor) and I regularly meet up with half the band for the Guild dinner day! I graduated in Physics in 1978 and forged a career in software engineering. I'm now retired and delighted to be able to spend more time ringing, and manage to fit in reading, knitting, patchwork and quilting, gardening and a grandchild. I have rung tower and handbell peals but I much prefer to ring quarter peals. In more recent times I have enjoyed teaching new ringers and helping them to make progress.
I am delighted to be President of SUGCR for 2023 - 2026.

Master & Welfare Officer - Pippa Garraway
Hi, I'm Pippa. I'm a third year med student and the Master for this year. I learnt to ring in Sussex, but have thoroughly enjoyed ringing here in Southampton, and the opportunities it has brought. SUGCR is a very friendly group and we welcome everyone to our practices, regardless of whether you have touched a bell rope before. At the end of the day bellringing is about having fun! We also like to head to the pub afterwards, where we can have a laugh and a catch up.
Master & Treasurer - Hannah Read
I’m a third year medicine student from Jersey. SUGCR has been like a little family to me since I moved to Southampton and has provided me with so many amazing experiences including ringing at Guildford Cathedral and St Mary Redcliffe. I am currently the guardian of our mascot 8 Spliced (and I take this role very seriously).

Social Secretary - Rosie Clark
I'm Rosie and I'm a third year PhD student and social secretary for this year. I'd never rung before joining SUGCR so can confirm the teachers are very patient! My main responsibility as social secretary is taking everyone to the pub after practise - a very important job.
Mascot - 8-Spliced
I’m 8 spliced and I’m a new member of the committee. I represent the society at events like SUA. Currently I live with the vice-master Hannah and I attend most practices and tours. I am very passionate about bellringing and enjoy providing moral support to the members of SUGCR. I am looking forward to joining the students on tours all over the UK.